Small girl, big empty house...

Aug 03, 2010 23:10

Well, I'm here. *looks around*
It's weiiiiiiird.
Sorry, right.
Hello all :) Sorry I've been absent from LJ these last few days, but everything's been a bit crazy. I'm going to try out multiple cuts (ooooooooo from the audience, please :P) so feel free just to follow the one you're more interested in, if you're interested at all.
First things first, I've moved in to my new place :D No, wait, that's not first. *frowns in concentration* Ah yes!

Gotta Get Back to Hogwarts - spoilers for A Very Potter Sequel
I've finally finished my robes!! I know I've probably never mentioned this to anyone on here before, but I've been making Hogwarts robes (Hufflepuff for Soph and Slytherin for me) from these instructions for the last few weeks. It's one of the reasons I haven't been around on lj - I've been sewing every spare second. I could've done it on a sewing machine, but I hate them. I'm convinced they're going to sew my fingers together. :) The robes themselves aren't bad - I mean, they're not highly sophisticated, some of the lengths are a bit wonky the sewing's not that great and the edges are fraying because I don't know how to hem them properly, but they look pretty good on, so I'm happy. And! I was going to wear my time turner anyway, just because, but Slytherin robes with a time turner, it turns out = VPS!
Wasn't Very Potter Sequel fantastic? :D I thought it was a brilliant sequel/prequel, I really loved... well, all of it. I think the first three songs are my favourites - I love Lucius Malfoy (*cough*luscious is more the word*cough*) and Lauren Lopez was brilliant as ever. Me and Soph (swoot_of_ealdor) were singing the songs all the way around Kings Cross and the London Underground last Saturday :D
I got up to Kings Cross at about half ten, spent twenty minutes queueing to store my suitcase for the day (eight quid a case, which I was a bit worried about, but dad slipped me a twenty before I left. *loves*) and then met up with Soph outside WHSmiths. There was no one else in hanging around in Hogwarts robes, just us two, so we went to Hamley's to wander amongst the toys, and then to Camden :D We got a few funny looks, and overheard a few "Oh, Harry Potter"'s, but by far the best reaction was the woman we walked past as we were leaving Camden. She was looking at us fairly thoughtfully as we walked past, and as we passed her she suddenly went "Of course! It's Harry Potter's birthday today!" :D I'm so glad someone realised why we were dressed like that. Mind you, I'd wear my robe anywhere, I'm pretty proud of it.

So many empty rooms...
Well, I'm back in York. I picked up the keys to my new place yesterday - I'm sharing with four friends thusfar (including Soph). I've never seen this place before, so it was pretty exciting :) Originally we were going to be somewhere else (which I had seen, albeit briefly) but there were problems (I think some severe leaking) so the landlord (Ash, he's great :D) said we could move into this place (the one I'm sitting in now) instead. All this happened while I was down in Hertfordshire, so the others checked it out for me.
It's huge! Well, pretty huge :) and there are stairs everywhere. My room is right above Sophie's, so I've told her I will stomp on her ceiling to annoy her :) The carpets are all blue and the ceilings are very high - I really am curious how old the building is, it's all creaky and mysterious. I love it, though :) I spent all of this morning making half a dozen round trips between here and my old place, ferrying my stuff back and forth. I still haven't got everything over here, but I've got most of the important things, and I'm sleeping here for the first time tonight so I guess I'm officially moved in.
I've put most of my big posters up, and all my books and DVD's are here - all of that helps. But it's weird being here by myself, oddly enough. It doesn't quite feel like home yet - though why I'm expecting that to happen immediately I don't know.
I'm a bit annoyed because I left Bruno at my old place tonight. As old up as I am, it doesn't help. Bruno's my bear, and I'm happy to admit he helps a lot if I'm in a strange place. I've had him... oo, probably not since I was born, but close.
Strictly speaking I'm not here alone. Jess is upstairs in her little loft room, but she's got something of a flu-like nature and I've barely seen her all day. Adam hasn't got here yet and Soph was here earlier to chat and watch Sherlock, but she's gone back to her old place for the moment. So I'm feeling a little isolated.
Wow. Sorry to get all mopey on you, I'm not normally like this. I just feel really unsettled tonight, which is odd for me. I'll be fine by tomorrow :D

Fanfiction update
Right, this is the status of my fanfiction at the moment. Most of it is currently on hold while I finish moving/settling in etc (see above) but that should only be a couple of days, and then I'll be back to writing. I want to round of as many of these as I can before NaNoWriMo, so hopefully I won't keep you waiting long. :)

Harry Potter
  All For All - currently I've posted pretty much everything that I've written in sequence. I've got other out of order bits that I need to sew together, but I have quite a bit of writing to do before I can post anymore. As I'm writing the second side of the sequel to this (long, long, LONG story) for NaNo this year, this is the one I most want to finish before November. Hopefully that motivation will do it! It's planned meticulously though, so I should just be able to sit and write.

  The As-Yet-Unnamed Sequel to Heads and Tales - is being planned in my head (as I always plan things) as I speak. Because the plot is a fair bit looser in the sequel (it's based more around emotional changes than on the magic/monsters type thing at the mo) it's taking longer for me to get to grips with it but I aim to have something related to it up in the next couple of weeks. Promise. :)

I have several other bits and pieces in the works, but I've left the list of them in my other house. o_O I'll probably edit this entry tomorrow, when I get my hands on it.

That's all for now - feel free to comment and say hi, even if I've never spoken to you before. Honestly, things like that make my day *smiles winningly*
I hope everyone else is having a good summer - thanks for reading thusfar!


ship: merlin/arthur, harry potter: very potter musical/sequel, fanfiction: about, fandom: merlin, harry potter, event: new house, fandom: doctor who

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