Remember when
I posted about maybe going to ASA?
On the phone yesterday, Ari asked about it, and I said I wasn't feeling so sure anymore.
For reasons I won't bore you with, we ended up looking at the
Call To Action conference (not going) and the
AAR (Academy of Religion) Annual Meeting.
Whereas the ASA session descriptions are SO academic as to make our eyes glaze over (I learned that reading them aloud helps with my comprehension), reading the AAR program (which only has the names of the sessions/papers and the names and affiliations of the people presenting/presiding/responding/etc.) made me really excited -- lots of sessions I want to attend, lots of sessions where I am only interested in one paper so I want to email the presenter to get coffee while we're there, lots of names I recognize (authors I recognize, names I recognize from BQTF, ~friends of mine it would be lovely to see again).
I've got time before I need to decide, but I'm still holding the possibility of going to both (and also allowing for the possibility that I'll decide to go to neither -- but I feel like Being Brave is probably a better choice than taking the easy route of staying at home&work). Exciting project: figuring out a schedule of all the sessions I want to go to at each (for ASA, this will help me figure out whether it's worth going; for AAR it'll help me figure out in advance which of the many interesting sessions offered at a given time I'll pick to go to and which ones I'll just email presenters to ask to get coffee together). I am telling myself to do other things with my afternoon than this project. Sooo exciting... but I do have other things to do.