Doctor Who Meme: Day 7.

Oct 31, 2010 22:57

Midterms and family events ate my life, over the past two weeks, but I need to continue this meme.

Meme. )

tenth doctor, episodes, eleven, eleventh doctor, meme, tv, doctor who, ninth doctor, nine, ten

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Comments 2

lotus0kid November 1 2010, 19:57:20 UTC
Agreed pretty much entirely here. Though I will say the actual scifi part of "Vincent and the Doctor" felt very underdeveloped next to all the wonderful stuff with Vincent and art and mental illness and the beauty of the world, etc. Still love it, even more than "Girl in the Fireplace" (a spaceship uses its own crew as replacement parts? dude), but.. it's not perfect.


hermione_vader November 2 2010, 04:32:14 UTC
Yes, I agree that the sci-fi/monster part of "Vincent and the Doctor" is very underdeveloped, but I feel like the emotional part of the episode really makes up for it. But as a whole, I feel like the sci-fi parts of the historical figure episodes are never as well-developed as in the other episodes (except for maybe "Girl in the Fireplace"). None of the episodes are perfect, of course, but these just stand out the most to me.


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