Create your own TV show meme: Tangled.

Feb 28, 2010 01:16

So last night, I wrote a fic that blew my own mind (in a "This is good, but did I seriously write this?  No, someone else must've written it." kind of way).  Right after I saw a high school production of Into the Woods (the kids were incredibly talented, but that story is strange).

And now, here's a meme, courtesy of lotus0kid:

1. Comment to this post with "I surrender!" and I'll assign you the basis of some tv show idea. (Science fiction show, medical drama, criminal procedure, etc...)
2. Create a cast of characters, including the actors who'd play them
3. Add in any actor photos, character bios and show synopsis that you want.
4. Post to your own journal.

She gave me "Sci-Fi Crime Drama," and here's what I came up with:

I call it Tangled.  I haven't provided any actor photos, but I think my flist will most likely know who they are, and here's a lovely photo of where it's set:

Beautiful St. Louis, Missouri!  Because no show is ever set there, and it's actually a pretty cool place.  I also picked it because it's smack in the middle of the country, far from D. C., New York, and/or L. A., and it has some crime issues, which would be perfect for alien mafia that wants to operate under the radar.  And no, it's not set inside the Arch (though I'm sure someone could create a cool Office-style show about that).  And it would probably be filmed in Vancouver, anyway.

The aliens themselves are explained under the main villain's entry (the last entry in the "Main Characters" section).

The Main Characters

Played by: Zachary Quinto
A sweet, shy, booksmart attorney in the public defender's office who discovers, throught his clients, a rapidly expanding mafia-like crime ring (code name on the street: the Web).  The catch?  The Web is run by aliens who plan to take over Earth through organized crime and corporate domination.  Nick is caught in a unique position because he's paid to defend small-time criminals who can't afford lawyers, but he wants to take down the big boys behind it all.  Nick uses clients and contacts to unravel the Web's evil deeds and bring them to justice.  He wears nerd!glasses and suits and looks kind of like a brown-eyed Clark Kent.  He'd like to meet a nice girl, but he's rather socially awkward, though he's working on it.  He's quiet and mild-mannered and manages to put up with a lot, especially when it comes to his brother (whom we'll get to in a minute), but once he does get angry, get out of the way.
Guilty Pleasure:  Nicholas loves karaoke; he even disguises himself as a hipster and frequents a karaoke bar when he has the time (the regulars know him as "Lorenzo").  It helps him relax and unwind when things get tough.

Played by: Eli Roth
Nicholas's Charles Bukowski-like fraternal twin brother (he's two minutes older, as he often reminds Nick).  A bad-boy through and through, Alexander is an alcoholic who always falls off the wagon, no matter how many times his brother tries to get him clean.  He's a clever petty criminal who has to keep his activities on the down-low because he often lives with his brother; he ends up working for the Web, at least indirectly, and eventually becomes Nick's man on the inside because deep down, Alex really is a jerk with a heart of gold.  Also, mess with "Nicky," and you're in for a world of hurt.  That said, Alex is not below impersonating Nick to get something he wants (some fraternal twins look nearly identical enough to do that).  Also, he's never really had a successful relationship since high school and has a bit of a wandering eye in addition to a roguish charm. Fortunately for the female viewers, Alex isn't all that fond of shirts (unless they are fairly tight).
Secret Desire:  Alex really wants to be a writer, and when he gets involved in the Web, he starts documenting his experiences in a journal, which serves as narration for several episodes.

Played by: Freema Agyeman
A brilliant, vivacious graduate student from England who is studying forensics and criminology (one of St. Louis's universities has the 4th best program in the nation, or so I heard) who ends up discovering the Web through her research; she plans to reveal her findings to the authorities and loses someone close to her in the process.  Charlotte and Nick form an alliance (and then a friendship) to expose and destroy the Web before they can expand to other cities.  And imagine Alex's surprise when he wakes up to find a beautiful, classy gal like Charlotte in his apartment one morning...mistaking him for his brother (confusion and hilarity ensue).  She has a crush on Nick, but he's too focused on his work and investigating to notice.  Alex, however, is very much attracted to her, and while she's allured by his bad-boy charms, she really does care about Nick.  She would be more than just a love interest, as her knowledge and intellect are often very crucial in their investigations.
Hobbies:  Charlotte enjoys manga and role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons, but she doesn't have much time for them at the moment.

Played by: Christopher Eccleston
The "don" of the Web.  Also fronts a vague major corporation that has its hand in everything (OF COURSE!) and uses that to promise the people of St. Louis that he'll put their city on the map again, since it has fallen in importance in recent years.  Harper is an economic and tactical genius, but not a scientist.  Is actually rather calm and nice when you meet with him privately, but he's also ruthless with his underlings, yet still strangely entertaining.  He often delegates many tasks and meetings to his right-hand man (who will be covered in the "Supporting Characters" section), so meeting Harper is quite rare, unless he considers you very, very important (to his plans at the moment, that is).  Finds out about Nick, Alex, and Charlotte's little attempts to thwart him, but takes a bizarre, doting liking to our heroes: he enjoys watching them struggle and then fail to stop him each week.  He thinks it's cute.
Guilty Pleasure:  Loves to knit, especially scarves and blankets.  He's quite good at it, though you have to wonder what else he does with those knitting needles...

Fun Fact:  The aliens in the Web are covered in form-fitting, synthetically-created human bodies while they're actually reptilian (yes, like on V---I'm incredibly uncreative when it comes to designing alien races).  A colony of these aliens is taking root in St. Louis, and not all of them work for Harper; a significant amount of them honestly want to make their own lives separate from the Web (many of these aliens are domestic types who want to start and/or support their own families).  Also, in their original, unaltered forms, these aliens have FIVE classifications of gender.

Supporting Characters

Played by: James Marsters
Harper's right-hand man, his "consigliere," or what have you.  Hughes is a lot like Scar in The Lion King: he's dapper and debonair, but appears constantly bored.  He's much colder and more outwardly ruthless than Harper.  May or may not be entirely loyal to his boss.  Mostly ignores Nick and sees Alex as the real perpetrator behind their schemes.  Has tons of Ho Yay with Harper, though his actual sexuality remains unknown.
Hobbies:  Loves bow-hunting and ballroom dancing.

Played by: Ray Park
An alien member of the Web who specializes in combat, but more by force than by choice.  Friend to Alex.  Ben's problem is that he's used to five divisions of gender with no restrictions on attraction; now that he's on Earth, he finds himself attracted to human males and begins to fall in love with Alex, who is shocked, naturally.  Leads to a really poignant subplot about sexuality, humanity, and identity.  Yes, there's an onscreen kiss.
Secret Desire:  To show Alex what he really is.  And to ride all of the roller coasters at Six Flags St. Louis in three hours.

Played by: Eliza Dushku
A mysterious femme fatale who develops feelings for Nick, but somehow ends up bedding both brothers.  Also might be attracted to Charlotte.  May or may not be Harper's rebellious daughter.  She's in it for herself and likes to play both sides for their advantages.  Does not get along with Hughes at all.
Guilty Pleasure:  Is secretly a glutton (especially for apple-flavored desserts).  She also loves those CW teen dramas.  All of them.

Played by: Jim Beaver ("Bobby Singer" on Supernatural)
Nick and Alex's uncle, and the closest person to a parent that they have.  He's a good man, really, but he has a gambling problem and tends to dabble in petty criminal activity (where do you think Alex gets it?).  Has had to help them out of a scrape or two since they got involved with the Web.
Hobbies:  Going to the riverboats and the racetrack (cars, not horses); also, memorizing Golden Girls trivia.

Played by: Alan Tudyk
Nick and Alex's stoner landlord.  Alex helps him obtain certain...items instead of paying the rent sometimes.  A source of comic relief and often a scene-stealer.
Guilty Pleasure:  Loves much older women.

So, that's Tangled.  I hope I got the genre right---the domestic parts may be a bit more dramedy than straight-up drama, but I think it still works.  I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who would watch this show, though.

I've had the most fun with this meme compared to all of the other memes I've done.  Part of me would like to write this, but I just don't have the time.

my brain works too fast, meme, tv, writing, my geek is showing

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