Fic: Genetically Awesome (Avengers/Torchwood, PG) (1/1)

Aug 19, 2013 21:02

bugeyedmonster requested that I post this crossover to my journal ages ago, so here it is.  I apologize for the giant delay!

Title: Genetically Awesome
Rating: PG
Fandoms: The Avengers/Torchwood
Warnings: Implied slash
A/N: Written for this avengerkink prompt before The Avengers was released.
Summary: Captain Jack Harkness visits Clint right after the Avengers come back from a mission. Everyone is intrigued and tries to guess how they might be connected.

The Avengers just landed back at headquarters when Clint was greeted by a tall, ridiculously handsome man in a navy blue greatcoat. Clint lead him off into the Tower without so much as an introduction to the team.

"Ex-boyfriend. Definitely," Tony said as he stepped out of the Iron Man suit.

Thor tilted his head to the side. "Clint prefers the company of males? Interesting. I would have not guessed."

"Only sometimes," Natasha remarked. "I've met a couple of Clint's exes before, and that's not his type."

Tony pushed the suit back into its portable shape. "That guy is everybody's type. Even Steve's."

Steve raised his eyebrows and pointed to himself. "How did I get brought into this?"

"Maybe they're pimping you guys out. I knew there was a catch to this superhero team-thing."

"What about you?"

"As a billionaire-playboy-philanthropist, I have a top notch legal team. How about you, Steve?"

Steve took his helmet off. "I remember meeting RAF officers with coats just like that. They're not still in fashion, are they?"

"Oh, I was never that chic, anyway." The handsome stranger walked up to Steve and shook his hand. "It's an honor to finally meet you, Captain."

"Thank you. And you are?"

"Captain Jack Harkness. I wanted meet you during the war, but you know, there was a war on---hell on my social life. Let's see if the rest of you match Clint's descriptions." He looked them up and down quickly. "Well, I recognize the rich idiot. You're taller on TV, but not as handsome."

Tony's eyes grew wide.

Harkness put his fingers under Natasha's chin. "The red-headed goddess, of course."

She slapped his hand. "Touch me again, and I will not be responsible for my actions."

"Good to remember." Harkness glanced around. "No Angry Green Giant?"

Clint ran into the room. "Goddammit, Jack, do you have to run ahead?"

"How else was I ever going to meet your new friends? You wouldn't introduce me." Harkness walked over to Thor, clearly admiring his arms. "And you completely forgot to mention this one."

"No, I told you about the spoiled golden retriever."

"I thought you meant an actual dog. This makes more sense, though." Harkness rested his hand on Thor's bicep and smiled. Thor glared for a moment, then beamed.


"Clint, who the hell was that?" Tony asked after Harkness had left.

Clint shrugged. "He's my...he's just Jack."

"Messy break-up?"


"And why was he talking about 'during the war?'" Steve asked.

Clint bent his head down. "Because he's...he's immortal, alright? And he can be embarrassing as hell when he wants to be."

"Immortal?" Natasha crossed her arms.

"Yeah." Clint took a deep breath. "Natasha, you remember that mission in Afghanistan when I flatlined after taking a hit from that sniper?"

"Sure. I thought you were really gone that time."

"I was. But I always come back. Just like frickin' Jack there."

Steve blinked. "So he's your brother?"

Clint looked up briefly. "Try 'dad.'"

"You are related to that?" Tony interjected, pointing his thumb towards the door.


"So that's why you're so obnoxious. Too bad you didn't get the flirting skills."

Steve stopped and looked around. "Guys, where's Thor?"

Clint groaned and ran his hand down his face. "Big guy's gonna have to get checked tomorrow."

fic, torchwood, avengers, crossover

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