Methos character

May 25, 2008 03:25

A drabble kind of thing that keeps rolling aroud in my head.

It's happening again.

I know the signs.

I'm beginning to loose myself in another person.

Don't get the wrong idea, this has nothing to do with love. I was born far before the time people invented that concept, it's just a part of who I am.

It has happened before, with Byron, with Lucius, with Kronos.

When I first met Kronos I was drawn to him. There was something about him, a certain - vitality. He had fire and charisma and I was drawn to it like a moth to the flame.

I didn't like him exactly - Silas was by far nicer and he and I got along really well right from the start - but I needed to be liked by Kronos.

I knew that he wouldn't be overly impressed by the person I was at that time, so I became the person he wanted me to be.

A small price as far as I was concerned.

I grew strong for him, reckless and cruel, I used my brains to his advantage - our advantage, there really was no difference.

And we became brothers.

It was one of the happiest days of my life, when he called me that for the first time.

And I did everything to stay in his good graces.

When the horsemen abandoned it took me a long while to find myself again.

Kronos wasn't the last one of course, there were . . . others.

Byron was one of them.

His genius kept me orbiting around him. I changed into a man, who could be his friend and I didn't care what he did, that might have appalled others.

I did spent the last 200 years hiding, keeping myself away from other Immortals, not just to avoid the game, but to find out, who I am.

And now it is happening again.

I met a man today and he has that certain something, that fire, that vitality, that's like an addiction to me.

There's just one difference:

I get the feeling that I will like the kind of person, that I will become for Duncan McLeod.

methos, character study, fanfic

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