Eurovision Song contest

May 25, 2008 00:39

Sooo I know that Who-fandom is really upset about the song contest, but since I can't watch Dr Who on BBC anyway I enjoyed our anual get-together to watch the biggest TV event of the year.

1  Romania :  average voting   C- boring ballad
2  UK :                    C    better than the last few years, primary impression: colourful
3  Albania:             C   
4  Germany:          F     they weren't singing in their native tongue, casting band, couldn't sing at all, stupid boring pop number
5  Armenia            C-   non-native tongue but at least the first real dynamic song of the evening
6  Bosn.-Herz.:     B-   original (the woman reminded us of Nina Hagen)
7  Israel:                B-   primary impression: silver
8  Finland:             A-   metal might not be original, but the guys liked what they did
9  Croatia:             A+  the best freaking number of the evening, something totally unique, grandfather tango rules
10 Poland:             D   boooooring  non-native
11 Iceland:             D   non-native
12 Turkey:              C+ solid and rock-y
13 Portugal:           C+ primary impression: black spot before white bacground
14 Latvia:               D    with one exceptional B    the idea was OK but the execution was pretty flawed, POTC  (nn)
15 Sweden:           D-  Zombie-blonde (nn)
16 Denmark:         C   if carried out perfectly this could have been like B.Joel, but it lacked a certain something (nn)
17 Georgia:           C   did a better show than the German blind singer from a few years ago (nn)
18 Ukraine:            E  Techno - Malibu Stacy (didn't get to be a Barbie because she wasn't blonde) (nn)
19 France:             C+ ZZ-Top background choir was cool (especially since it were ladies)(nn)
20 Azerbajin:         C  Castrate angels   (nn)
21 Greece:            D  Primary impression: candy (nn)
22 Spain:               B- PacMan the song (if he had sung in Austrian he could join the EAV)
23 Serbia:              B  best of the ballads
24 Russia:            C  average pop out of the retort (nn)
25 Norway:           C  most beautiful dresses of the evening  (nn)

Needless to say we weren't happy with the result of the voting but at least Russia bet Greece  and the Ukraine in the end so it was bearable.

Things I will never understand: WHY oh why did the Bulgarians give us 12 points? Or the Swiss 2 for that matter. Germany got 14 points to many for that drek we sent there. I presonally have to thankevery Irish who voted for Polen or the UK at least this way we were pushed back to the (albeit shared) last place.

The presenters of the televotes were interesting to watch, too. Some of them looked as if they were casted to fulfill cliches (Netherlands, Ireland), the Swedish presenter clearly had his haircut right out of an old Astrid Lindgren movie, the Latvian reminded me of Hugh Grant and the Cypress one should be fed once in a while, she made Callista Flockhart look fat. Last but not least should be mentioned that the Azerbajin girl looked as if she still needed her parents permission to stay up this late.

And for this Steven Moffat had to wait.

Life has weird priorities.

eurovision, song contest, why i can't understand the european tast

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