Finally Dalek pictures

Feb 17, 2008 15:07

On Friday I went to a Chinese restaurant, because it was a last chance to do so thing. I bought one of the table lamps as a present for my stepfather.

I spent the Saturday morning taking it apart to clean it and puzzling it back together.
My parents liked it very much. : )
Then I spent six hours in a room with first 3 then 5 smokers and was treated like a leper because I don't smoke and everybody wanted me to drink alcohol, I got of lucky when I could stop them after just one glass of wine going with dinner.

Hurried home to my roomies birthday party. It was tremedous fun, although Andre didn't throw his trousers out of the window.

And Mela's sister Charlotte owns a digi-cam, so here are the photos of our living room Dalek - finally.


He is battling with a cardboard Doctor from the package, the sonic screw driver came in.

Oh - because YES we won something, Mela won a soni screw driver with invisible ink and ultraviolett light to read it, and I won a Dalek bottle opener, which shouts 'EX-TER-MI-NATE!'.

One of our friends won the Beginnings box with Hartnell stories, so Yeah us.

doctor who, dalek, useless plastic trash everybody wants

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