Real Life and cancelling

Feb 13, 2008 11:45

So Pro7 is now officially Fox_Germany, at least in my book.
First they let the first series of New Doctor Who rot in their cellars for over a year after buying the rights.
Then they hardly promote it at all (starting only a WEEK before broadcasting).
Then they decide to broadcast two episodes a week (just wasting a good series IMO) on a time slot so early, that they actually have to cut scenes for younger viewers (Clive's death in 'Rose' or the Dalek's mass electrocution of people in 'Dalek' for example).
Then they decide to cancel it after only two weeks, probably because the viewing figures weren't high enough (in the first thing they broadcasted against a handball worldcup game featuring Germany).

Well at least the broadcasted for a third week before cancelling the experiment, which meant we got to see the conclusion of the two parter and Dalek.
Before I go off on a rambling excursion, I will simply stop here and be very happy about the internet and DVD's.

And now for something completely different . . .

RL is stressful :(
I'm trying to find a job and writing applications sucks.

Today I had an appointment with a job-profiling-agency (where I had to go because of the Arbeitsamt), the guy was nice enough but couldn't really tell me a lot of useful things. i think he was a bit surprised to meet someone, who had a good vita prepared and was actually working on finding a job on herself.

The real put off was, that the appointement was at 8 A.M. (since I normally work in the afternoons I'm used to sleep in) and the adress was hidden in an obscure side street, so I was barely punctual although I had planned for a quarter of an hour as safety span.

On the 'I'm not sure if I should be amused or pissed off side of life': I will probably get my deposit money back before the end of the month.
I'm living in my new flat for almost three years now. I moved out of my old one in February 2005, then because of a one day delay they told me I couldn't get my deposit back before Decmber 2006 (instead of 2005). December 2006 came and went, and I got no money. I phoned, they told me my membership in their co-op (which was their kind of securing the deposits) had ended, but the mones wouldn't come free before the membership meeting in July.
July 2007 came and went, but not my money. So I thought 'maybe they'll wait for the new year'. New year came and went, not my money.
So I phoned today and the woman at the phone was very nice and friendly and told me 'Yes, the money is here, I don't know why you didn't get it. I will try to find out and the money will be transeferred into your bank account, probably before the end of the month.'

So we will see . . .

I'm still trying to organize my brother for this weekend, our stepfather's birthday and their wedding day are on thursday, so we want to visit on Saturday and I still need a present :(
And then there's Mela's 30's birthday on Sunday (party on Saturday evening) which will start the whole '1978ers turn 30' circus we will have this year . . .

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doctor who, birthdays, rl, deposit

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