Geeky Godchild

May 14, 2010 09:41

Reasons, why my godchild will grow up to be a geek:

1 - Every time he hears the word "Ionensturm" (ion storm) he begins to throw himself from side to side, once even throwing himself of the couch he was sitting on - outacting even the Shat.
2 - He loves and recognizes dragons and makes the appropriate "chhh" noise (from the German 'Drache') even when visiting a dinosaur expedition.
3 - He owns a chewing toy out of sticks and marbles, that resembles a D20 and he shakes it and throws it like a professional dice thrower shouting "Zwanzig" (twenty) enthusiastcally every time the 'die' hits the floor.
4 - He clacks wooden blocks together shouting "Ayayayayayay - Los Llamas" quoting this Monty Python sketch.
5 - He not only recognizes but uses the word icosaeder (OK he says icoeder but what the hell)

Oh did I mention that he's 19 months old?
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