5.02 Reaction post

Apr 11, 2010 02:05

So after only 5 hours of sleep and 11 hours of mastering an rpg round I was totally tired and should have gone to bed. I drove over to a friend to watch

And it was freaking awesome!

First the Doctor is a bit of a perv and look up Amy's nightie (you know he did), then he goes on and on about how he never interferes :D and then he's already in the thick of things before Miss Pond finishes her answer.

What about all the Star Wars references?

Help us Obi Wan Kenobi Doctor your our only hope.

Then they go down the garbage drain and I expected someone to shout: 3PO? Shut down all the garbage smashers on the detention level! Shut down all the garbage mashers on the detention level!

The monster with them is actually the monster around them - like the Millenium Falcon on that asteroid with the Mynoks.

And I won't mention the fact that the heroes shiny light-thingy changed colours from blue to green - come to think of it was the Master's laser screwdriver red?

Anyhow Liz Ten was awesome but I was irritated when the minions said that Ten was down in the tower and I thought: No stupid that's Eleven!

The recording of Amy's message made more sense when I rewatched the ep (Yes I watched it twice already) and the Doctor probably overheard more than Amy knew with his superior Timelord hearing.

The episode had a few weaknesses but I can live with that and Eleven is refreshingly un-emo. I saw bits of Two (his handwringing in certain scenes), Four ("There's a fish on the loose.")and Nine ("No one human has the right to talk to me today") in him, but he was also very much himself (in a Doctorish way) and I love him and Amy.

When he hugged Amy in front of the big window I was reminded of "End of the World", but Amy is actually allowed to hug and comfort him so we can go on to the fun parts. She's a far more equal companion to the Doctor than most others, which is nicely mirrored in the optics of the hug scene, because she isn't dwarfed by Eleven (like Rose was by Nine)

I also think I like her better than Rose because she's honest with herself in the boyfriend department. She is unsure and not ready when it comes to her marriage and she knows it! Which means no running to Cardiff for Rory (or whoever the poor bloke is) to get her her passport and lick her boots (Sorry I really liked Rose but her treament of Mickey was shit).

I think the best proof of quality though is the fact, that my f-list has exploded with squeeviews already (and I still couldn't stop myself from wrting up my own two cents.

Sorry for the incoherent ramblings but I should really go to sleep right now.

squeeview, doctor who

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