Adios Sevilla!

May 09, 2008 14:33

Today's my last day as a student in Sevilla. I'm feeling a little sad to leave the place tomorrow because i've grown to really like this place. It's not so much the place because as much as it's full of culture and sights (lovely barrios and narrow streets), it's not my kinda place to live in. It's more of the people and how they treat each other. Even entering the shops brightens up your day because you're almost always greeted by a genuinely cheerful 'HOLA!' with a bright smile and i love that. i love brisk walking to school, walking down the narrow streets and crossing the bustling (bigger) streets. i even love how the men here make you feel so pretty by teasing you when you walk past them. i especially love how we get to kiss people on the cheek as a form of greeting, although i realise they only do it either when you first meet or if you're saying goodbye for the last time (mostly the latter), speaking of which, today i had the big opportunity to kiss my cute spanish teacher after class since it's my last day. wheee. hee hee.

nadine, ray and borjas in class. i like how nadine is attempting to read the free spanish newspaper. i've got two in my file cos they keep giving it away in the mornings as i walk to school. i don't know why i take them, i must've been feeling pretty ambitious. i haven't touched them though.

my path to school every morning. it is the last left turn i have to make each day.. it's usually my sprinting path because i'm always 5 minutes late. the living room in the house has no clock! so i usually take my time eating breakfast, only to realise it's 9.15 and i've to be in school by 9.30.

So yeah, as much as i'm looking forward to seeing Granada, Valencia and Barcelona, I'm really gonna miss Sevilla. I'm gonna miss my classmates, Louise, Nadine and Ray. Louise is a typical Aussie 22 yr old who is smart and sometimes ditsy (in a really adorable way) and she makes me laugh. Louise speaks french as well and it always interferes with her spanish, especially when she reads. And Nadine, she's one hilarious french lady (love her sarcastic humour) and Ray's like an English dad who is always looking out for Louise and me and I really like that. He's got a 25 year old son who works with the tv cameras in the stadiums in England and he gets to go for football matches(he was at the same match last weekend in Anfield!). How cool is that. What's even better is that Ray said he could try to get his son to bring me to a match someday! hahahahaha. ok that's me daydreaming again. And Nadine says if I go to France someday, she's gonna let me stay at her place cos the hotels are expensive. Sweet! And Borjas is hilarious as well. We're so bad at deciphering the things he says that he sometimes resort to using sounds, actions and even songs to convey his message. i love these people!

the people who make my sevilla experience in school muy fantastico!

Anyways, I just had my last lunch with Nadine and Ray. Usually, Ziggy (a lady from Germany who stays in the same apartment as Nadine and Louise) would join us for lunch but today it's just the 3 of us. Louise doesn't join us for lunch because lunch is usually long and she has another class in the afternoon. However I'll get to meet all of them including Shibani (from the states) later on at 6.30pm. Some of us are attending what they usually call a cultural activity in the school at 5.30pm later, an hour session on 'how to make a Sangria'. hahahaha. Maybe i'll do some last minute shopping between now and then and tonight i'll figure out how to pack them all into the haversack half my size. ok i kid. i haven't shopped much apart from the things i got from the liverpool shop. no tengo dinero (i've no money).

Okay got to go. Granada, here I come!
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