Well today had an interesting turn of events

Jan 18, 2005 22:12

So yesterday I was wandering aimlessly around the house, bored and starting to get a little freaked out about jobs and money. I still hadn't heard from Trailer Park and it felt like the clock was ticking at an ear-shattering level. So in order to be somewhat proactive, and do something to help myself out, I called Lisi. I hadn't talked to her since the 3 day nightmare before Christmas (hah! I didn't even mean that as a pun until I re-read it), so I called her up to see if she still needed a sitter somedays.

She said yes of course and we had a little chat and we scheduled Tues/Thurs for next week, along with some other tentative dates. I also asked if maybe I could give her my resume to give to anyone at "That 70's Show" and she said yes to that as well. So even though I don't really want to be babysitting, I figured at least it'd be some money. Any income is better than no income.

Today I had planned to clean the kitchen and go to the Sherman Oaks Library for a library card. I had just started to sweep the floor when I get a call on my cell phone. Remember the director's assistant job I got an interview for? The one I was recommended for by the husband of the woman I knew from BKM? Well, he called me because apparently there is suddenly an opening for a Runner/Office PA type job. It's for the next 5 weeks, Monday-Friday, 10ish-4ish, $75 a day. He asked if I was available. I thought for a moment, and said yes.

So tomorrow I am starting my new job working as an office assistant/runner for that Steven Segal film. I'll be picking up dailies every morning and then helping out around the office. The $75 a day sounded kinda iffy at first, because it's only $375 a week, and I was looking for a job around $500. But then I decided that since the job only lasts 5 weeks anyway, this is still a lot more money I was making babysitting, it's 1 solid month of work, it's in my field, and I can put this on my resume afterwards. Plus, maybe they'll like me and want to keep me around for other stuff?

Only downside is now I have to call Lisi and apologize for not being able to babysit for her now. I'm sure she'll understand, but I just feel bad and a little embarassed because I had just called her the day before. I also have to call Ginger and tell her I can't do the rest of the shoot, now that I have a paying job. I think she'll be understanding as well, and I did tell her in the beginning that if I got a paying job I'd have to leave.

Anyway, it was a very surprising and happy way to start the day. After that, I cleaned the kitchen thouroughly and then went off to get my library card. The Sherman Oaks Library isn't that big though, and they didn't have the books I wanted. I ended up getting Rose Madder by Stephen King, which I've read many times before, but I always enjoy it. The rest of the day consisted of falling asleep in the Howard chair, making dinner, watching "Law & Order: SVU" and "Scrubs" and playing a lil Texas Hold 'Em online. Not a bad day. I hope tomorrow goes well. Eee!

On a more serious note, I feel I owe another thank you to Marilyn. Last night when I was lying in bed, having a mild panic attack, I asked her for help. And this morning, I got it. Wherever she is, she's still got my back. I just hope she knows how grateful I am for all she's done for me.

kids in america, job interview, film shoot

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