Feb 20, 2006 08:02
I am leaving for England tonight at 9. I get to go there riding in business class! My first time! YAY! I wonder what it is going to be like. It is going to be the first time I travel by myself and I am kinda scared cause I have to try and find my way to my friends place all by myself. I might get lost. I have to take a train to one spot then get on another train and go to a another spot. Call her and then get on a bus. I have to make sure I get off at the right spots. In Germany on my first time on the train by myself I couldn't see the signs on the stops because it was outside and it was dark. I ended up going all the way to the airport and back again to where I was orignally supposed to get off. I didn't know any german so I was freakin out cause I could have gotten pulled over for not having the right zones on my ticket, which they weren't the right zones either, but I didn't know that till I got home. I hope everyone has a nice break. I will be gone till Sunday. I arrive at like 5. Okay time to go and pack. Wish me luck people so I don't get lost.