This weekend has been really good. Yesterday I went to my friend's house- it was her 34th on Friday so we sat outside, drank, listened to music and had some barbecue. She lives on the other side of the valley to me, and gets a view of the sunset across the city. It was beautiful.
Today was the deutsche Wanderung. A group of twenty of us from the department went for a 10km walk through the Peak District, which is a national park near Sheffield. We walked from Hope to Edale and spoke German the whole time. I don't think I even spoke that much German when I lived in Germany, and I was really happy with it. I love speaking German at the moment and feel like I am finally getting some of the finer nuances of the language. I got to talk to a Swiss girl and heard some Züritüütsch from her, which sounds quite fun. I do hope I get a placement in / near Basel or Zürich. I also took my new walking boots for a spin. I was worried that something was going to go wrong but they are so comfortable and am glad I invested in them for next year. There are tentative plans for three of my friends to come for a walking holiday.... I have also made it known that I want to go out walking more often, so expect more tales of the Peaks: