Drabble: Scent

Jun 15, 2007 08:47

Request from szm: "Something from the point of view of a Weevil". This is the closest I could get.

Title: Scent drabble
Author: jadesfire2808
Rating/pairing/spoilers: G/none/none

Summary: You can tell that he's different.


Even through the invisible barrier, in this alien place, your instincts warn you about this one. He is not like the one that smells of cleanness and brings you food, nor the one with the sharp instruments who smells of others as much as himself. He is not like the females, who reek of fear and strange scents.

This one is wary, not fearful. He smells only of himself, of that otherness that you do not understand. But your senses tell you what you need to know, that he does not belong to this place, any more than you do.

here to utopia

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