Aug 02, 2009 07:53
The other night during the Mokkeoli seciton of the Progressive People's Party of Pohang Wednesday meeting, EPIK Jonny and Jin where having a conversation on the other side of the table. I am not privy to the totality of the conversation, but I was suddenly made aware of it when i see EPIK Jonny get my attention and say" Well we have a political science major right here, lest as him" Apparently they wanted to know the definition of a Republic. Prehaps they were trying to reconcile the monikers "Republic of Korea" and Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea"
Either way I was able give an exact textbook answer that I think moved the conversation along. This made me happy, for reasons that i am quite sure yet. Prehaps its simply the only example of my university studies proving useful, outside of learning to write papers and present things in front of people.
Probably the most cost effect us of a Univsersity education, but on some level, keeping a politicl conversation on track should on the list of useful skills... So long as i am not the one having them. Then it rapidly goes off track in a barage of name calling and accusations of prositution.