This book titled
Liberal Fascism: The Secret Histoy of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Meaning (gasp to recover breath) really, really chaps my ass. The author, like so many others is attempting to connect American liberals (aka anything that disagrees with Bush, the War, etc).
The thesis according to one reviewer goes as such:
"that the label fascist has its roots in the governing philosophies of Italy's National Fascist Party and Germany's National Socialist (Nazi) Party" (no shit sherlock, its high time.) and that "there has been a false duality created between the Soviet Socialists of the USSR and the socialists united under the fascists in Italy and Germany."
and finally:
"that the totalitarian impulse, the philosophy of state control of decisions taking priority over individual freedoms, is the core uniting principle behind these movements, and he argues that the ongoing home of such statism is in what has come to be known as the "liberal" politics of the modern progressive movement."
It would be most definitive to point out independent developement of different camps of thought on the left and Fascism. But I think it would be much easier to demonstrate that Fascist hate leftist. Infact they go out of thier way to bully and murder them when they can.
First I would like to present
this recent NPR story about the protest music in Italy in the 60's. While it is a minor part of the the story we clearly see examples of Facist seeking out leftist as the antithesis of their own ideology. A feature of Mussolini's, Hilter's, and Franco's rise to power was the violent neutralization of leftist along with the violence that we are more familiar with againt ethinic minorities. Fascists were identifing themselves as taking a specific stand against leftist ideals of democracy, tolerance, and multiculturalism.
One of the things that offends me to no end is went people selectively forget that it was the conservatives, royalists, and Catholics that
facilitated his rise to power. Also during this time fascist and Communist were killing eachother in the streets
Finally, anyone who actually would care to learn about who stood where I would highly recommend looking to the
Spanish Civil War. While the world twittled thier thumbs Hiltered funded the rise of Franco, a fascist, and the over throw of the Spanish Republic. While Hitler provided airsupport, training, weapons, and used the whole affair to train and test the German army prior to WWII, the shrinking "free world" stood by. The only help that came to the aid of the coalition of Social democrats, anarchists, communists, socialists, and anti-clerics that were fighting for democracy, and thier lives.
This is why I hate Jonah Goldberg (the author). His wild accusations and ignorance has me in a position where I am defending communists. I cant stand communists as the next chapter in the Spanish Civil War has Communist trying to murder thier way into control of the Republican forces and ultimately causing Franco to win. Later Stalin would sign a treaty with Hilter and Communists who had been fighting Fascist around the world were now allied with their fomer ideological opposites. More tragically this would leave teh 30,000 socialist, trade unionist, anarchist and communist, volunteers that fought and died fighting fascists in the international bridge of the Republican Army.
Again it seems that I have turned this article into something much longer than I cared to write about the matter. However, It is imparitive that we understand and that future generations understand that Fascism was an ideology that informed the use of cutural and scientific techology of the state for mass murder and oppression. Fascism is not made of liberalism, or conservitism, or even totalitarianism, but instead it is Nationalism that forms the essence of Nationalism. It is high time I write a book if this bozo can do it by stating the obivious then making nonesense connections between nazis and people he disagrees with. This book is rightist porngraphy.
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