So i worked the first of my English camps this weekend. I was so hung over and pissed tired, but it worked out alright. Just two more to go. That night there was a halloween party at Mindy's
Between being tired and drinking since 1pm I was a wreck, but I still managed to have a blast. I ended up sleeping until 6pm yesterday, so I didnt sleep till late last night. This weekend is all to myself, so if I can make it til then I am home free.
This week I am teaching the students about Halloween. I wanted to have them make jackolaterns out of orange and black paper but the school is too cheap to get me the paper.
But Ben and Jerry's has some Halloween worksheets and I made a power point. I will also use these
videos (
1)to show them how we do spooky in the US.
So I just got informed that I have another English camp this weekend. I can basically kiss my weekends goodbye for this month. Atleast its good money.
There is a good exchange rate this week. I had better take advantage of it.