
Jun 08, 2007 23:24

i am in cologne/köln 
right now, just arrived in fact.  so far i have founnd thäat the language barrier has provided minimal problems, about the same as when i have studied the language in fact.  i äam häaving tröble tzping as german kez boards äre a little dicezy.  I cän nöt wäait until i see gövernment müle in 2 dazs.  i hate toö meantion this, but i am excited bcause this land is where mz people are from... i guess.  there are some roman rüins that need mz attention and i hope to hit them up.  Right now i want to tzpe up a critique of how the english run thier airlines but there are söme Germäns singing hzmns in English in mz ear....


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