no. no. no. no. no.

Nov 02, 2003 09:08

I don't know whether I just missed this when it came across Nummy Treat or what, but while doing BMVD maintenance this morning I came across something I must share.

The database includes a listing for a Buffy/Spike vid to a song I've never heard of (but object to on principle) called "I Know What You Want" by Busta Rhymes featuring Mariah Carey. And then, next vid entered, there's another vid to "I Know What You Want" by the same vidder. Of course I thought it was a do-over, since the vidder spelled her own name incorrectly in the first one, so I was getting ready to delete it when I noticed that the second one is a Buffy/Angel vid. WTF?

The description of the second vid reads as follows: "This is Vid 2 in a series of this video i plan to do all the cous to this song, so in this one you seee all the b/a kissing." Assuming that "cous" means "couples" (kids today and their buggin' street slang!), I'm torn between laughing, crying, and throwing up.

bmvd, bad ideas

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