farmers' market: sweet things

Oct 18, 2003 08:14

The major purchases this week: two gallons of apple cider and three pounds of Empire apples for an apple-currant galette, both for tonight's Dessert Party.

I also bought a pound of honey and two pints of maple syrup: one grade A medium amber, for my dad, and one grade B for me. Grade B's better for cooking, of course (stronger flavor), but I use it for everything - french toast and so on.

Other than that ... mushrooms and carrots for mushroom-barley soup, and a couple of heads of garlic. I've still got squash, potatoes, and a *lot* of leftover dal. I wanted to get some celeriac, but neither of my favorite farms had it; turns out they both lost their whole crop, which is upsetting, to say the least: over $7,000 worth of crop between them, just gone.

And now I have to go put away the maple syrup, since the cats are investigating it, and then clean this apartment in a serious way.

farmers market

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