random meme

Oct 17, 2003 17:42

Killing time before tonight's reading...

swiped from vonnielake:

1) If you could introduce two of your LJ friends who don't know each other, who would they be, and why?

rliz and imation23, just on principle (fearfully smart teens usually need other fearfully smart teens in their life).

2) If you had to choose between your TV and your computer, which would you choose?

The computer. No question. All the TV I watch is on DVD or VCD, which I can play on the computer. No TV would be annoying, but writing my dissertation in campus computer labs would be grounds for ritual suicide.

3) If you've participated in fandom besides reading or writing fan fiction, in what ways have you participated? Have you a) gone to conventions; b) played RPGs; c) made fan art; d) written a fan letter; e) stalked a celebrity? e) changed anything about yourself, physically or otherwise, (e.g. hair color, fashion style, the car you drive) because of fandom; f) other? name it!

That'd be f) vidding, thank you very much, with a side of a) VividCon.

4) If you could be immortal with no chance of becoming mortal again, would you choose to be?

Nope. Because I *still* couldn't catch up with all the books I'd never get to read, and an eternity of that would just be depressing.

5) What is your favorite brand/variety of potato chips? (And if you don't eat potato chips, why are you such a freak?)

I don't eat potato chips because I never buy them. The reason I don't buy them is that I love them with an unseemly passion, even though I think they're kind of gross, and I will eat the whole bag with appalling speed. So I eat them only once or twice a year, when they're at a picnic or party, and I am entirely undiscriminating as to brand, but I won't eat the ones that are supposed to taste like something else (sour cream, barbecue, ranch, etc.). Because ewww.

6) How many LiveJournals do you have? If you have more than one, are they all active, and why do you have multiple journals?

Just the one. For which I imagine you're all grateful right about now, because imagine the crap I'd fill a *second* one with.

7) If your life had a slogan, what would it be?

Geek by choice.

8) What's your least favorite holiday? Why?

Hmmm. This raises the question of what constitutes a holiday. I think I'm going to leave out the type that exist solely to sell cards, flowers, and candy... which leaves me with Christmas. I usually have to go see my parents, which is stressful. Plus, I really like the secular parts of Christmas -- giving gifts to people I love -- so it irks me to have them yoked to an evangelical religion that I'm not part of and don't care about.

9) Would you rather give up an arm or a leg?

If we're talking about what I'd *rather*? Um, neither. If I had to and got to choose... Leg. I think. Depends on which arm, partly.

10) If you could have any single option added to your automobile, what would it be?

CD player with multi-disc changer. Especially if it also played .mp3 CDs. Oh yeah.

about me, memes

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