Swiped from everyone under the sun...
jess79 95%
stakebait 95%
sisabet 91%
velvetglove 87%
boxofdelights 85%
elynross 84%
tzikeh 84%
green_luv 76%
sockkpuppett 76%
renenet 76%
overworked 75%
pdcawley 69%
jainieg 61%
bonibaru 60%
How compatible with me are YOU? :::looks at results:::
Clearly, it's time for VividCon.
I should note that I am inherently skeptical of any quiz or other assessment mechanism that forces me to choose between "emo," "geek," "grrl" (which should be "grrrl," by the way), "indie," and "slacker." A case could be made that much of my life has been the carefully negotiated suspension of self amongst the different yet not incompatible qualities represented by those so-called "genres."
Of course, if they hadn't meant music, the fact that I just used the phrase "carefully negotiated suspension of self" is a pretty clear indicator that I would have had to choose "geek."
ETA: updated to reflect that
renenet and
sisabet are now on my list!