vidding meme: awesome responses

Sep 10, 2014 21:49

grammarwoman and vonniek prompted: Talk about a comment or review that made your day.

So I have to start by saying that pretty much any comment or review makes my day. Hell, AO3 notifications of kudos improve my day immensely; anything with text is a bonus. That said, some comments and reviews go above and beyond, and I have been blessed beyond deserving in this regard, to the point that I can't pick just one. Here are a few that stand out:

1) When
luminosity talked about Superstar at VVC 2003 vid review, that basically made my YEAR. She pointed out so many things I'd worked so hard on -- many of which I'd learned at her panel on motion at VVC 2002. It remains of the most gratifying experiences in my vidding career.

sdwolfpup and
shati sent me emails about New Frontier that I still re-read, all these years later, when I am stuck in the doldrums of I suck this vid sucks I will never do anything worthwhile again. They just *got* what I was doing -- they explained the vid back to me with such insight, and they gave me such a clear sense of why the vid resonated with them... It was amazing.

3) 12_12_12's feedback on People Get Ready was the gift that kept on giving: first she beta'ed the vid (and made it SO MUCH BETTER omg), then she sent fb after I posted it, and then she turned it into a review. With VISUAL AIDS. Still not over it.

4) sisabet's audio commentary on Out Here is funny and insightful and moving and fills me with joy and reminds me why I made the damn vid in the first place.

killabeez's commentary on The Test is amazing in its own right but especially gratifying for me personally because, I mean, she's KILLA. She made "Dante's Prayer." She is THE Trek vidder for me. So the fact that she liked the vid was extra-meaningful, and the amount of insight that she brought to both the thematic and technical aspects of the vid was not even slightly surprising but profoundly gratifying.

Full list of questions is here.

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comments on Dreamwidth

vid: out here, vid: superstar, vid: the test, vid: new frontier, feedback, vid: people get ready

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