vidding meme: ideas on tap

Sep 02, 2014 22:01

vonniek and
kiki_miserychic asked: How many vid ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?

Ahahahaha. Well. Let's see. *consults playlist and notes*

I have:
  • twelve ideas that are actively begging for attention right now,
  • eight ideas that I fully intend to make but am in no rush to get around to (the Middleman vid was in this category until three months ago, so hey, you never know),
  • thirteen ideas that I would like to exist but that I may or may not ever exert myself to make,
  • one Star Trek reboot LKBV that I am 98% sure I will never make but that I leave on the vids-to-be playlist because just seeing it there makes me laugh, and
  • one idea in search of a song, except it's not really so much an idea as a sort of free-floating desire to make an Arrow ensemble vid, preferably for Club Vivid.
Oh, and I have a Star Trek reboot vid that's probably 2/3 done; I started it before I started working on The Test, but after I finished The Test I just sort of stopped caring about finishing the first one. For a while I nurtured the hope that the second reboot 'verse movie would get me interested again, but that... didn't happen.

Of the twelve active ideas, six have timelines with stuff on them; five of those six are complete jumbles (the vid equivalents of pre-draft notes), and one is probably 3/4 done, although there are big chunks of it I will probably end up rethinking and revising. And I really need to get back to it, since I am not, for the moment, fighting the vagaries of open canon.

Full list of questions is here.

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vid: glee #3, vid: the test, vid: farscape, vid: collab, vid: buffy, vid: farscape ensemble, vid: fnl, vid: glee #5, memes, vid: vm#5, vid: fnl ps, vid: orphan black, vid: b/a, vid: fnl wbtw, vid: firefly #2, vid: lotr, vid: need a little help, vid: glee #4, vid: wire, vid: faith, vid: glee #2, vid: fnl #5

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