[December meme] ending Glee

Dec 15, 2013 21:01

grammarwoman prompted: What would be the most satisfying way for Glee to end?

I am pretty much the worst Glee fan you could have asked this question, partly because I am terrible at endings and partly because my favorite series finales are the ones that surprised me in various ways: Buffy, Friday Night Lights, Slings & Arrows, The Wire. I don't like to speculate too much, because I'd rather give a show a fighting chance at surprising me (preferably in good ways). That said...

I know a number of Kurt/Blaine fans have their heart set on a wedding as the series finale; I do not, for various reasons. For one thing, as delighted as I was by the romance of their reunion and Blaine's proposal, it is one thing for 18/19-year-olds to get engaged and something else again for them to get married. For another thing, I personally am just not that interested in weddings -- or marriage, for that matter; I mean, politically I'm all for marriage equality, but emotionally it's a big "whatever" for me. It's canon that both Kurt and Blaine are adorably excited about marriage, so it's not like I'm against it; it's just not a selling point. I don't care about the wedding as much as I care about getting to see love, commitment, and communication; my biggest worry about the show at present is that it will use the engagement (or wedding planning) as shorthand for those things without letting us actually, you know, see them. For a third thing, I am seriously weddinged out with this show; between the Rachel/Finn debacle and the Will/Emma debacle, the show has created within me a deep well of wedding-related ennui.

So what would be satisfying for me would be to see the show following through on my favorite elements of it: creative ambition and chosen family. Taking those in order:

I'd like to see my favorite characters -- Kurt, Blaine, Rachel, Santana, Mercedes (what? I can dream!), Sam -- making meaningful progress toward their various goals (including perhaps some goals that they haven't discovered yet) but not yet fully achieving those goals. My favorite parts of Glee generally have to do with the process of creative ambition, striving rather than triumph, so while I want to feel confident that those crazy kids are going to make it, I have no need to see them already taking Broadway by storm (or whatever). Or, if they do, I want to know what's gotten them there besides the writers' desire for a New York fairytale.

And I'd like to see them still close, still supporting each other, still bickering sometimes as one does with family. They don't have to be living on top of each other (though that could be hilarious), but I want them in each other's lives, teasing each other and being there for each other. I want them to go on being part of something special together, to keep finding each other jobs and showing up at each other's gigs and taking care of each other. So something in the finale that references that chosen family thing would make me very happy.

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tv: glee

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