thirty posts in thirty days: done.

Sep 19, 2013 21:47

It's been a week, people. There's been the obvious emotional upheaval -- I have been on a hair trigger all week and on more than one occasion have had to excuse myself from a meeting or whatever to cry in the bathroom: dignified adulthood, party of 0 -- but also straight-up physical exhaustion; I brought home 40 student drafts last week and 2/3 of them had to be handed back on Tuesday and the other 1/3 by today, so I have been staying up past midnight and getting up at 5am and that is just not the way I live my life under normal circumstances, okay? I am really, really tired. (I do get a bit of a break this weekend, which is good.)

That I have survived as well as I have has been largely due to my students, who have gone above and beyond this week. I am so proud of them and so glad I get to hang out with them. Being in the classroom has been extra-draining, because I don't feel up to being ON like that, but it doesn't really matter how I feel, I *have* to be on -- and the reward is that by focusing on them, I can get out of my own head for a little while.

ETA: I should say: I am probably not going to be up to answering individual comments on Monday's post, but I appreciate them all so, so much. Thank you., hey, thirty posts in thirty days! Weird. I still have things to post from VVC and from London, I have some thoughts on Glee I want to try to post before the new season begins, and I will probably have at least a few things to say about the season premieres of some of the other shows starting up next week. I want to keep posting regularly, though perhaps not daily; the problem with daily posting is that I end up prioritizing posting over commenting, and thus I have weeks' worth of other people's posts open in tabs waiting for me to have the time *and* brainpower to comment. If the goal of 30-in-30 is to make things feel more friendly around here again -- and that has been the goal for me -- commenting is at least as important as posting.

Also important: vidding. My reasons for not-vidding lately are many and varied and only some of them have to do with being busy with other things -- pretty much all my vids have been made when I was busy (...or should have been busy) with other things anyway, so that excuse has always been flimsy. I am no workaholic and I do not live a life of constant toil, but I also don't generally have great sweeping vistas of free time stretching out before me, and yet somehow vidding has happened, albeit intermittently, over the last eleven years. I need to remember that that wasn't magic; I made it happen by making specific choices about my time and what I do with it.

...I have posted some version of that paragraph an embarrassing number of times over the years, but I'm largely at peace with that at this point; it is clearly one of those things that I just have to go on re-learning periodically. Ah well.

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personal, journal meta, cats, teaching, vidding: process, quotidiana

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