notes from a good weekend

Aug 27, 2012 08:43

I woke up this morning, looked at my to-do list, and felt defeated: so much stuff I didn't get done in the last couple of days...

Then I remembered that I actually had a pretty awesome weekend and maybe I should appreciate that rather than berating myself. Some highlights:

1. Visit from katallison (!!!). We talked about work stuff, fandom stuff, gardening, cooking. I made rosemary olive bread and summer tomato soup with tarragon cream sauce for dinner. We killed a bottle of Portuguese vinho tinto, opened the best bottle of Petite Sirah I've had in a while, and watched excerpts from the VividCon 2012 Premieres show. Saturday morning we went out for breakfast and I had awesome French toast and perfectly crispy bacon.

2. Phone calls with
renenet. :D

3. The last two eps of FNL S5, rewatched while folding laundry.

4. Fixed the mower yesterday morning when it wouldn't start, then used the lawnmowing time to work out the problems I'd been having with a new assignment idea I want to try this semester.

5. Sunday night pizza with roasted eggplant, yellow pepper, and basil from the garden.

6. Phone call with
sdwolfpup about the FNL finale. We agreed that FNL is the show for which the sentence "I DON'T KNOW WHAT MY FEELINGS ARE DOING RIGHT NOW" was invented, that Tyra/college is OTP, and that vidding this show is going to be sooooooo much easier than vidding The Wire.

7. Did ALL the dishes. Like an ADULT.


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food, tv: fnl, gardening, favorites!, fandom, teaching

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