I was inspired by the OTW's
April Showers Challenge to go enter all my old vids into the AO3. I'm at
heresluck, and I am laughing at the "immediate queue" part of
astolat's prompt, because at the rate I vid there is no such thing as immediate. I can tell you, however, that I have Premiere project files with stuff in them for vids in FNL and Firefly, sooner-rather-than-later plans for Buffy and The Wire, and it-may-take-a-while-but-I-swear-I'll-get-there plans for Farscape, and of course there are piles of other ideas that may or may not ever see the light of day. And I might have found a vidsong for Fringe in the last few weeks. Oh, and I have a Middleman song that makes me happy! Although that may or may not translate into actually making a vid; I may just bounce around like a dork singing the song and thinking about Wendy Watson. WHO KNOWS.
Anyway -- the AO3 isn't set up for embedded vids yet, but it's still better than the BMVD and other vid databases of yore; there are tags, people! And comments can be left! And links can be updated! It's all very handy. I am pleased. Feel free to subscribe! Of course, it is also possible to subscribe to my "vids: announcements" tag on either DW or LJ, which will have the same effect.
Now I want to viiiiid, and instead I have to work. Dammit. I am very grateful for my job, but I tell you what -- sometimes I miss my slacker youth.
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