new vid: "Goodbye" (Friday Night Lights)

Oct 25, 2010 08:42

This vid premiered at VividCon 2010.

source: Friday Night Lights (S4 only)
music: P.O.S, "Goodbye"
summary: Don't let 'em choose for you. Ensemble.

Download (XviD, 40 MB). I recommend VLC media player if you don't have it already.

Thanks to
kass, for loving these characters with me and always being willing to talk about them, for flailing with me about this song for this show, and for cheering me on from initial idea to VVC itself;
renenet, for betaing, and specifically for letting me ramble at her until I figured out the ending;
fan_eunice, for always supporting me even though I keep vidding shows she doesn't watch; and way2busymom, for virtual high-fiving once I got the Premieres files uploaded.

I made this vid in the eight days before the VividCon Premieres deadline. I am still not entirely sure how that happened, but I can tell you that there's no way it could have happened at all if I didn't have a lot of practice making ensemble vids; one of the few things I remember about the process is how confident I felt about how I was making the vid. I wasn't at all certain that I was actually going to finish by the deadline, or that the vid itself was going to turn out the way I wanted, but I had all sorts of strategies for handling the various issues that I always encounter when making ensemble vids, and I think I used every single one of them. Heh.

Anyway! I didn't release the vid right after VVC because I wanted to remaster it using DVD source; by the time the DVDs came out, the school year had started, which is why it took two months to finish the remaster. I tweaked some of the timing slightly and changed one or two clips (as I almost inevitably do when I delay the release of a vid for any reason). I also took the opportunity to play with levels and experiment with temporal smoothing filters in Avisynth, which was both interesting and instructive.

But FNL S5 starts this Wednesday (!!!), and I want to get this vid out in the world before then. So here we go.

password: choose

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vids: announcements, tv: fnl, vid: goodbye

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