new vid: "All We Have" (Treme)

Jul 26, 2010 09:29

All We Have
source: Treme (spoilers for the entire first season)
music: Jesca Hoop, "Love Is All We Have"
summary: Prayers for New Orleans. Ensemble, focused on the main female characters.

download (XviD, 29 MB). I recommend VLC media player if you don't have it already.

Thanks to
sdwolfpup and
renenet for encouraging, thoughtful, hugely helpful beta comments;
killabeez and
fan_eunice for enthusiasm and support starting with the very first draft snippet I exported; and
kass, for cheerleading despite not knowing the show at all.

I didn't really set out to make a Treme vid; I opened Premiere to work on a completely different project and then suddenly there I was importing this song, and now there's a vid.

password: katrina

All comments and feedback are welcome, either here or via email (heresluck at gmail dot com).

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vids: announcements, tv: treme, vid: all we have

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