Castle 2x06, "Vampire Weekend"

Oct 28, 2009 20:00

Whoever came up with the idea of having Castle dress up as Mal WINS EVERYTHING. (I'm guessing Jose Malina, who's listed as a co-exec producer on this ep, but really it could have been anyone, right?) The only thing that would have made it better would be if his answer to Alexis had been "Captain Tightpants," but "space cowboy!" made me pretty happy. And Beckett noticed the suspenders! ::dies::

I... may possibly need a Castle icon. I mean, I'm not especially fannish about the show, but I am enjoying it far more than I expected to; I started watching for Nathan Fillion (duh), but I am really enjoying all the regular characters -- especially Alexis and Beckett, but also Martha and Parish and Esposito and Ryan. I love that Castle is a really good dad (and AMAZING in this ep, OMG). I love that he is *not* a woobie; seriously, he seems to have no inner pain whatsoever, and it's such a relief. And I like that Beckett's pain, though serious and lasting and real, is also just - as she says - part of her life, and that she's getting to the point where she can be open with Castle about phone calls to families being hard. I love that he offers to stay, and when she says it'll be easier without an audience he just goes, because as much as he teases her, when it comes to serious stuff? Castle is a grownup, and he respects her boundaries, and possibly he has learned from his fuckup at the end of last season. And that is really refreshing to see.

tv: castle

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