As the weather gets colder, the cats get snugglier - with me, but also with each other. The kittens, in particular, are very keen to have one grown-up cat each, which has not quite worked out so far, but not, I assure you, for want of trying. The Big Kitty is very happy to be used as a hot-water bottle (and to use the kittens as such in return); The Princess Cat is less accepting, but the kittens are slowly wearing down her resistance, as some of the following photos demonstrate.
Toby still likes the basket, and even still fits in it, although he has to curl up rather more tightly than he used to. (Check the
earlier photo for comparison.)
napping in the cat tree
I can tell the kittens are getting bigger because the two of them can actually fill the treetop now (as compared to August, when
they really didn't).
kitten faces!
Look at their little faces!
loveseat proximity, part 1
Clockwise from top right: Theo, Toby, Mercury, Magellan. Note that Magellan is in contact with her brother but NOT with either of the kittens.
loveseat proximity, part 2
Once Magellan was sound asleep, Theo stretched over so he could use her as a pillow and tuck his front paws up against Mercury.
The Big Kitty has decided that the kittens make excellent pillows.
lap detente, side view
Magellan and Toby both wanted to be on my lap. After some grumbling, she decided that the kitten was sleepy enough that he wouldn't bother her, and she settled down quite close to him.
lap detente, top view
They really were remarkably close together.
this wicker igloo is VERY FULL.
Theo's in front; Toby and The Big Kitty are at the back; and the entire thing was radiating heat and practically vibrating from the combined purring.
cats in a row
Sizes L, XL, S, and M. Mercury continues to function as a feline DMZ.
In conclusion: kittens!