I came home from VividCon to find that my kittens had grown, or at least their legs had; they are now Kittens On Stilts as well as Kittens On Springs. Also, they have figured out how to get on top of the refrigerator. Ohhhh boy.
Since I
last posted about them, the kittens have gotten the run of the house. They have thoroughly charmed The Big Kitty, who now looks after them most conscientously, and have worn down even The Princess Cat, who, although she still pointedly rejects them and all of their works, no longer bothers to hiss at them unless they get within three feet of her, at which point all bets are off. I think my being out of town for the better part of a week may actually have been a good thing, as the four of them seem to have figured out a relationship system in the absence of their biped. Certainly they have agreed that it is fair for all four of them to be on the bed at the same time as long as nobody invades The Princess Cat's personal space; it's turned chilly here in the last day or so, and I woke up this morning with all four of them using me as a hot-water bottle, and a full stereophonic purr effect, which I find is an excellent way to wake up on a rainy Saturday.
I have taken lots of photos in the last month, and have finally gotten around to putting a few of them up online - including one of The Big Kitty surrounded by tiny offerings from Theo, who had trotted away in search of another one by the time I found the camera.
that's not a bookend!
I was sitting in the recliner when I heard a small noise behind me. I turned around, and it actually took me a few seconds to spot Theo wedged in at the end of a row. Fortunately the camera was nearby.
Big Kitty with offerings
Theo was bringing offerings to The Big Kitty again, but Toby kept making off with them and playing with them himself, as he's doing here with the blue glitterball.
Toby shows Theo The Paw.
Theo gazes at The Big Kitty
Sadly, this photo cannot capture the ENORMOUS PURR that Theo produces whenever he is near The Big Kitty.
cats on the couch
The Big Kitty found a sunbeam, and then Toby found The Big Kitty, who was too mellow to move at that point...
Toby gets a bath
A few days later, Toby found The Big Kitty in the wicker igloo and climbed in for more cuddling. He also got a rather thorough bath.
"Move it three frames to the left."
Meanwhile, elsewhere on the desk, Theo helped me remaster "Atropine."
Wedging three cats into the top of the cat tree is quite a trick, even if two of them are small.
Toby discovered a kitten-sized basket on the bar in the dining room.
The biped has been laboring under the delusion that this is her desk, but clearly she has been wrong.
The kittens have learned that morning sunbeams should not be allowed to go to waste.
There are
more photos as well, if these aren't enough for you.