monday poem #74: Jeredith Merrin, "Shift"

May 31, 2005 18:50

For once I have a good excuse for posting a monday poem on tuesday, which is that yesterday was still Wiscon. Whee!

I have no memory of why I picked up Shift, or where, or when. But having read it, I bet I picked it up because I was flipping through it and landed on the title poem. I like its form and its informality, its rhyme and irregular meter; its simplicity, its open-endedness; and its subject matter: that moment when you're with someone and something just...shifts.


How can
I describe a conversation
like this one?

A massive shifting,
as of plates rearranging
along a continental shelf, causing

slight tremors? Maybe.
There are forces we don't see,
a subterranean geography.

Or something like a change
of season-the strange
but ordinary way trees rearrange

shape and color,
standing in the same places? Her
love was neither cure-

all nor catastrophe; not, in lieu
of the usual, a compromise. Go where you
will, do

what you can. As for me,
the scales tipped when she
touched me, just lightly.

- Jeredith Merrin
from Shift

monday poems

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