This afternoon, I met with some relatively-recently-converted BtVS fans in my department to talk about putting together a panel proposal for a media conference taking place in February. Good meeting, smart people. And a slightly strange experience, too, because these are folks who aren't involved in fandom in any serious way (although I suspect that could change); they're just geeky grad students who think BtVS is really cool. Kind of like I was about X-Files before I discovered the crack that is online fandom (and I mean that in the nicest possible way).
So we talked about their ideas and my ideas and one of them came up with a pretty good connecting thread for the panel, and I think we're actually going to make this work. Which, yay.
In the course of the conversation, one of them mentioned something about writing fic, and I said hey, yeah, that's cool, I do vids myself. To which (not surprisingly) they responded with furrowed brows and a resounding "eh?" I gave the briefest possible explanation, and one of them said "So where can we see these?" and the upshot is that I gave them the address of
paper cup.
These aren't the first real-life not-also-online-fandom acquaintances I've told about the site, so it's not an unprecedented move. And I've never hidden the fact that I'm a Buffy fan; lots of people in the department, including several of my professors, know about it (and occasionally crack unfunny jokes about it, but whatever). I mean, it's all over my CV; really not a secret. But it's an odd feeling to emerge from a basically academic, although fannishly academic, meeting having shared the location of my collected fannish endeavors. It occurs to me as I type this that any of them could easily click through to this LJ from the site. Heh.
Anyway: on top of the next chapter draft, job applications, and paper-grading, I now have a paper proposal to write. Fortunately, as I observed to
truepenny this evening, I can pretty much write these things in my sleep at this point.
And a good thing too. One of these days I will learn to focus, but today is apparently not that day.