famers' market: muffins and onions and everything else

Jul 03, 2004 08:10

This morning I woke up much earlier than usual; I got to the market with plenty of time to linger and chat, and still made it home around the time I'm usually leaving.

With the move imminent, I'm still trying to go through what's in the freezer, so it's another week of relatively abbreviated acquisitions.The weather's cooperating; a long cool wet spring has meant that things are coming into season two weeks (or more) later than last year, so there's not quite the overwhelming quantity of items to be tempted by.

I did get a lemon poppyseed muffin, which I have not been doing as often as I used to, but which felt like exactly the right thing this morning. I sauntered along eating it from the bottom up, as one should always do with enormous muffins, and making mental lists of things from the market to bring to VividCon: cheese curds, maple candy, heirloom tomatoes...

Got two lovely little fennel bulbs, two pints of strawberries, sugar snaps, and a pile of tiny new zucchini and yellow squash from my favorite vendor; my favorite kind of heirloom cucumber (doesn't need peeling or seeding) from the cucumber-and-tomato guys; white mushrooms from the mushroom stand (I still have a few crimini left from last week); and some heirloom carrots and sweet onions from the famer who explained onion planting to me earlier this spring. The carrots are beautiful: tiny little things in orange and yellow and gold and a startling deep red.

He asked if I wanted him to take the tops off the onions and I said no, of course not, they're perfect for vegetable stock; and he beamed, and asked if I wanted some extras-most people don't want them, but he can't bear to throw them away, so he'd put them in a clean box behind the stand. We bagged them up and I've brought them home; I have enough to make a proper onion-garlic stock, using the peelings from last week's fresh garlic. I'm very pleased.

I also brought home some pork, since my favorite pork vendor won't be back at the market until mid-September and is at the Tuesday market only intermittently; I got a small boneless roast for sharing with truepenny and mirrorthaw, several pounds of sausage, and a pound of bratwurst which I figure will make an excellent inauguration for the inevitable new grill at the new house.

Speaking of which, I need to get cleaned up so Truepenny and I can go down to the hardware store for spackle and plaster screws and sundry other items for sprucing up the household; and I should get some music together, too, since it'll be a long day if we don't have some CDs to keep us company.

Happy weekend, everybody.

farmers market

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