project trimming in Premiere

Jul 01, 2004 22:56

I'm getting ready to archive the Donnie Darko vid: save all the exports and original files to disk and take them off my computer. This has given rise to a dilemma that I'm hoping one of my fellow vidders can help me resolve.

I have noted, but never used, Premiere's project trimmer command. I gather that this command can not only generate a new project with only the clips actually used, but can also create trimmed copies of the source clips - which would translate into a much smaller batch of files to archive. This vid has well over 6 GB of source clips (as originally captured), and I don't have a DVD burner, so the process of archiving the clips as they currently exist is going to be a big pain. (I know this from experience; the "Superstar" archive is nine CDs.)

Not surprisingly, then, I'm contemplating using the project trimmer; but I contemplate with trepidation. I'm nervous partly because if I don't archive all the original source, it'll be much harder to fiddle with the vid later. Now, that might well be a good thing - I do entirely too much after-the-fact fiddling, and I need to learn to just let it go and live with the vid as-is - so I'm trying not to dwell on that part. My more legitimate, if slightly irrational, worry: What If Something Goes Horribly Wrong And The Project File Gets Irretrievably Fucked Up?

So I need reassurance, if possible, from people who have actually used the project trimmer tool and lived to tell about it... or, alternatively, from people who had Horrible Experiences with it. It's not that I don't trust Premiere, it's just that... well, actually it is that I don't trust Premiere. I can be remarkably techno-suspicious for somebody who spends most of the day at a computer.

Thoughts? Anecdotes? Dire predictions?

vidding: tech, vidding: process

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