farmers' market: strawberries and geeky boys

Jun 05, 2004 10:12

I got a lot of strawberries. They won't be amazing until next week or the week after, when the whole market will smell of them from a block away; right now they're only very good. But I couldn't wait. Because, I mean, strawberries.

Sugar snaps, very new potatoes, and even tomatoes were all over the non-organic stands, which means I can look forward to them in the next market or two. Lots of radishes everywhere - it's the last week before they start to turn spicy - and beautiful lettuces. Tomato plants, herb boxes, flowers, jam. Gladiolus plants, for August bloom. Beef, lamb, pork, chicken, bison, ostrich, rainbow trout. Hickory nuts and hand-carded wool.

I picked up the usual spinach and mushrooms (white and oyster), and also quite a bit of asparagus since it'll be over soon. And strawberries, did I mention those?

As I approached my favorite bakery stand I saw a geeky kid, maybe sixteen, off to one side wearing a Jimmy Eat World t-shirt. He was clearly waiting for a Very Dull Parent who had Dragged Him to the market. I gestured at his shirt and gave him a thumbs-up.

As I passed, he stopped me and said, "That is a really great shirt."

I checked to see what I was wearing: Matt Pond PA. "Thanks," I said. "You too."

"Do you have their new CD?"

"Who, Matt Pond? No. Didn't it just come out, like, last week?"

"It's really good," he said. "You gotta get it."

I thought, this kid uses adverbs like I use adverbs. "Good to know," I said, and then "Hey, I gotta take off, but you should get a muffin or something" - I jerked a thumb at the stand - " 'cause these are the best. I mean really."

He glanced at the stand, balancing (I suspect) his parent's Obviously Dumb Idea against the Matt-Pond-PA-t-shirt-wearing-girl's endorsement.

I grinned at him and took off. I wish now I'd stayed to see what kind of muffin he got.

I checked in with the guy who planted onions a while back (I was getting asparagus from him) and he said that the last few weeks' rain was indeed exactly what they needed; it looks like the whole crop is going to come through. He also mentioned that he's planted a couple of heirloom varieties of leeks, which thrills me - I don't know anything about leek varietals, and this is my chance to learn.

When I got home, I shared some of the strawberries with truepenny.

farmers market

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