by the numbers

Jun 04, 2004 09:08

I've been thinking about the Slayage con that sisabet and sockkpuppett and tzikeh were at this past weekend, and thinking about the intersection of fandom and academia.

And just now I checked the site stats for paper cup and discovered that the Donnie Darko vid has been downloaded a tidy 300 times since I posted it - 200 for the large size and 100 for the small. And that's just one vid in one month; "Superstar" has been posting steady numbers for a full year now, got seen by a bunch of people at VividCon last year, got shown to a bunch of academics at Slayage, etc.

It occurs to me that it's extremely unlikely that any "serious" writing I ever do - any poem, any creative non-fiction, any critical article (even on BtVS), let alone the dissertation - will be read 300 times. And let's not even get into the rewatching of vids vs. the re-reading of academic articles and unexceptional poetry.

I really like fandom.

academia, vid: superstar, fandom, vid: cat-scan hist'ry

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