
May 21, 2004 16:28

Thanks to all who offered sympathy about the job yesterday.

Better news today: a different job, which I mentioned a while back (in a locked post, because it involved news that was not mine to make public) came through today. Huge relief - it hasn't been at all clear that the funding would be available for the position, so while I knew that everybody involved wanted me to have the job, there were bureaucratic and financial factors beyond their control that could have been a problem.

This is a single section of a 15-student honors seminar in composition theory; it's the training seminar for a peer writing tutor program that I've worked with in various capacities over the last four years. The students are exceptionally bright juniors and seniors from a wide range of majors (we snagged a neurobiology major this year!) who have worked really hard to get into the program and are always thrilled to find fellow geeks (which can be hard at this school).

They're almost all freaky little overachievers, so in addition to getting them up to speed on various pedagogical theories, I also get to give them lessons in how to chill out.

I have to admit that I really wanted to be teaching literature this year. But running my own classroom full of smart, motivated geeklings sure beats hell out of TAing discussion sections for an intro lit prof, especially since it's an utter crapshoot as to whether one gets assigned to a fantastic lecturer or one of the department's several wastes of oxygen.

Plus, I've just removed from the oven a jam tart that seems to have turned out perfectly, and everything's on track for tonight's dinner party.

academia, good things, teaching

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