farmers' market: first outdoor market of the season

Apr 24, 2004 09:08

Yes, it's the return of weekly paens to my local farmers' market. I have no idea whether any of you have missed them, but I sure have. I appreciate the winter market, but there's only so many times I can type "potatoes again" before even *I* get bored.

It's chilly enough out that I came home with pink and stinging ears and hands. But the vegetables in my basket say it's spring.

As the icon suggests, I got lots of ramps. I've been missing them for, let's see, about eleven months now, so indulgence seemed like a good idea. Also picked up red sunchokes, wintered spinach, wintered parsnips, some of the loveliest watercress I've ever seen, several small portobello mushrooms to grill and put on the watercress, a pound of early asparagus, and a half-pound of some really nice sorrel.

Rhubarb's already in, and I'm really happy about the asparagus (last year we didn't have asparagus until mid-May because of the weather). No morels yet, but those should show up in a week or two.

Between my big basket of vegetables, yesterday's big bag of books, and the pile of apricot twists in my kitchen, I'm feeling unusually secure right now.

Happy spring, everybody.

farmers market

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