I had an...odd weekend. Friday I had plans. They were cancelled due to excessive annoyance at the universe. This was okay as I was very, very tired and ended up snoring at 9:30. Plans were bumped to Saturday.
Saturday. I did a few things and then settled down to play video games as I wasn't sure what time things were happening and video games are far easier to put down than being half through a painting and having to leave. I never heard anything and finally spent far too many hours online because I was too grumpy to do anything creative.
Sunday, play video games instead of doing laundry or cleaning as there are people asleep on the couch and I'm not feeling mean enough to wake them. Finally decide to go to the store as I haven't yet and need stuff to cook for Tuesday. Get a text message just as I'm trying to hunt for the recipe I'm going to cook asking me if I'll be there at the bbq that I thought was happening the day before. Be puzzled and grumpy because I have a bad sinus headache, haven't gotten a thing done and nobody actually told me that plans had been changed. Still have to go to the store and wanted to work on a painting that I hadn't worked on all weekend.
Roommate tells me the plans in question. Later find out that he'd been getting the updates the day before. Problem: I'd not actually SEEN my roommate or talked ot him since Thursday. Get grumpier as I'm going to the store as walking makes my headache worse.
Get hammered by text messages about why I've decided not to go to said bbq. Which was mostly in the interest of not stabbing my friends in the face with dull spoons as my head really hurts at this point and I'm very peeved about not being kept in the loop and wasting the day before not doing stuff I could have done then so that I would, like, have clean clothes and groceries and still be able to go to said bbq.
Get home. Bite people's heads off when they ask me if I'm going. Nap. Wake with headache at least at bearable levels. Eat dinner. Paint (finally!) Draw. Play rock band badly. There is no stabbing of faces. This is good.
So I was probably a bit childish in not going but I really hate when plans keep shifting like this and the headache was making me feel vaguely ill.