Everyone is still asleep. I hee'd at some of the things in the stocking that
debmats gave me this year. And it had a slinky! How awesome is that? I haven't had a slinky in YEARS.
Thank you to everyone else who spoiled me. I'll try to send out individual e-mails thanking people but any of you who know me enough to gift me already know I'm a total ditz about such things so here's a generic global thank you, just in case! (and *bounce* I get to reread Name of the Wind, which was an awesome book. And I need to buy paint brushes and turpentine 'cause I got oil paints. Yay for paints I actually know how they work! And drawing pads and colored pencils that will mock me until I finally figure out how to use them and many books and and and and...)
Yes, I'm still at heart five years old and do the ooh shiny thing. Deal.
Okay, back to baking. I have bread dough rising on the stove, I need to start the apple pie and I'm pondering cinnamon rolls as well. Because I am an over achiever sometimes.
Every have a lovely day today and good thoughts of the final end of 2007 and a fantastic 2008!