100 Photos Meme: day 5

Jul 04, 2013 16:58

I apologise for the ugly watermark and random border on this photo; I trekked over to my old DeviantArt account to find it, as I don't have the original anymore. I had to put watermarks on my DA stuff, because I had my work stolen once and sold on eBay - which was a bit annoying. This isn't even the photo I was looking for, but it's close enough.

Anyway. This is Snowdonia, in Wales. As far as I'm concerned, it is the most beautiful place in the world. I used to go every year or so on family holidays, but I haven't been for four years now. Except ... yesterday, Ben said we could visit in October! *FLAIL* I really hope he meant it. I've made a holiday tag for it now, so we HAVE to go. :3 Hurrr.

I see the land of fading sun and rising mountains
And I finally feel that I've found my home
-- Sons of Winter And Stars, Wintersun

Day 5 - A place that makes you happy

cymru am byth, photos: places, meme: 100 photos, holidays: sweet snowdonia, meme: photos

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