To-Be-Read Challenge

Jan 08, 2007 17:12

What a great idea this is! I learned about this challenge from syrinxkat, and decided right away to join! In 2007, pick 12 To-Be-Reads from your book pile, and make a commitment to read at least one of them each month in 2007. The books must have been in your possession 6 months or more. In my case, I went to my BookCrossing bookshelf and chose 11 books that have been sitting for quite a while; my 12th book isn't listed at BC, but has been sitting around neglected for a good long time, too. Lots of times I look at my shelf and think, "Oh, I should read *this* - it's been sitting here for months," and then I pick something else instead. Hopefully, this will give me an incentive to get some of these (mostly BC) books moving again.

There's also a Yahoo group for participants:

My List (Date the book came into my possession)

1. The God of Small Things (April, 2006)
2. The Magician's Assistant (December, 2004)
3. Woman Warrior (October, 2004)
4. Red Mars (September, 2004)
5. Strange But True (August, 2004)
6. Rituals (July, 2004)
7. Leap of Faith (October, 2005)
8. Cloudstreet (June, 2005)
9. What Dreams May Come (June, 2004)
10. The Bar Sinister (February, 2005)
11. Red As Blood (August, 2004) Read, January
12. Delicate Creatures* (Thanksgiving, 2004) Read, January

ETA Jan 11: I've decided to add an alternate list, just in case I hate one of these books, and decide I simply can't finish it. So, my alternates are:

Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell (June, 2005)
The Templar Revelation (April, 2004)
The Birth of Venus (~2005)
Necessary Dreams (~2005)
Vurt (1995)
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (November, 2004)
Wild Swans (~2005)
Reading Lolita in Tehran (~2005)
The Eyre Affair (~2005)
Ammonite (~2004)

ETA January 31: Added a few more alternates, and replaced one of my main list books (Bad Move) since I can't find my copy. These will be the last changes to the list.


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