How Cute is This?

Jan 26, 2006 22:41

Oh, lookie what Google has done to celebrate Mozart's birthday (at least I assume it's for Mozart's birthday, since his 250th birthday is the 27th, and, well . . . the wig :D).

AWWWW!!! *loves Google for the cuteness*

Also, I'll take this opportunity to wish darling Wolfgang a very happy birthday. Although I'm not sure how he'll be celebrating it, considering he's been dead for, oh, a pretty long time now. But still . . . I'll take some time to appreciate him today and send him some love (even if he's not DA MAN, he's still pretty high up on my happy list).

Maybe I'll use this as an excuse to tackle "Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen."

Happy Birthday, Wolfgang! *blows kisses and sings along with the "Kyrie" of his C minor Mass*

silliness, music

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