Aug 29, 2009 02:04
i've been complaining to myself how unproductive my days are and are becoming.
i need change. and in for that to happen, i have to make it happen.
after consulting my "aunt agony", he suggested that i take up a hobby.
but i don't want a hobby where it is between me and a thing.
i want to meet new people. make new friends.
pot suggested i start adding random people on facebook to start making new friends.
but that is not me.
i got other alternative.
so, i've decided to take up & do something new.
and that is to visit places in Singapore where i've never been to before.
& im not talking about new shopping centres or anything near that.
i have in mind a few places that i want to go.
whether or not i make friends, it all depends.
doing this also means im stepping out of my comfort zone.
im so used to going everywhere with someone.
i always need company.
but since im gonna do this all alone, i'll be learning how to be alone and be comfortable with that.
i hope im brave enough to take the first step.