Splenda, Sucrolose, Aspartame, Nutrisweet: Whatever they name it, its still Garbage!

Aug 30, 2006 13:34

I am glad I have never trusted these artificial sweetener products and I am alwys urging folks to stay away from them.

The Truth about Splenda is Not So Sweet

Citizens for Health, the national grassroots advocacy organization committed to protecting and expanding natural health choices, has filed a petition with the FDA demanding the proper labeling and rigorous scrutiny of sucralose (Splenda). Sucralose is a highly processed chemical sweetener factory-manufactured with chlorine in McIntosh, Alabama, that was approved by the FDA in April 1998 despite serious potential health concerns. Not a single human clinical study has been done on the finished product Splenda, despite hundreds of consumer health complaints posted on the web. Consumption of Splenda poses a risk to people (especially pregnant women) who have galactosemia, or the genetic trait for this disorder.

The less-than splendid facts about Splenda include:

*The FDA's review of Splenda (sucralose) was not rigorous and the Agency's approval of this synthetic sweetener should be revoked.
*FDA has no reliable way to track adverse health events related to Splenda.
*The FDA should ask the Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services to launch an investigation into the FDA's own approval of sucralose.
*The science provided to the FDA revealed several serious concerns about the product.
Splenda advertising slogan "Made from sugar, so it tastes like sugar" has led consumers to believe it is natural.
*The FDA should initiate a full-scale public-health investigation in and around McIntosh, Alabama, where Splenda is manufactured.
*The FDA should order the marketers of Splenda to immediately remove the "Suitable for people with diabetes" slogan from its packaging and marketing materials.
*The FDA should order that all sucralose- and Splenda -containing products bear a galactosemia warning.

Please take a few minutes to demand an airing of the truth. Visit the Citizens for Health website to take action today.
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